Sunday, July 26, 2015

My Mom Was a Psychic Vampire

After a few too many cups of coffee and hours spent staring at the ceiling as I tried to sleep, my mind turned over a tarot reading I had received a few weeks before.  My friend warned me about a psychic vampire in my life that was both sucking energy from me and perhaps influencing me in negative ways.  At the time, I had no idea who he could be talking about.

"Psychic Vampire," I think, is a loaded term.  "Vampire" tends to have a universally negative connotation, regardless of how YA authors want to spin things.  "Surely," I thought, "there's no one in my life who is out to actively harm me."

I've always had trouble reading my own cards, but I decided, after a few practice spreads, to see if I couldn't get to the bottom of this little mystery.  Who was stealing my precious energies?  I have Lyme's Disease!  Energy is not something I have in spades!

So, I defaulted to the Celtic Cross spread.  A few deep breaths, grounding, and I dealt the cards. 

Page of Cups: I almost always see myself in this card, especially as a young child and teenager.  So, here we go, this is me.  I'm crossed by the Five of Cups.  I immediately thought: mourning.  Whoever this is, they're mourning for me before I'm even dead.  At the root of our relationship is the Star.  By now, I had realized that the cards were telling me about my mother, who, like the Star, has always been a comforting, soothing presence for me.  I've had a difficult time getting diagnosed with Lyme's Disease, and she's told me often that she hurts because I hurt.  You can look at the rest of the spread for what I think is the obvious outcome, but it comforted me to know that the Two of Cups showed up as the ultimate outcome.

Anyway, I'm posting this because I wanted to relate my experience with a psychic vampire.  Sometimes, they're not insidious creatures out to hurt you on purpose.  They're people who genuinely care about you, but do it in such a way that it almost becomes a burden.  In a way, my mother made me feel sicker because she doted and dwelled on my sickness, instead of moving forward.  She made me feel like a charity case by giving me money and resources that I knew she did not have to give.  Her concern made ME concerned, because I want my mother to be happy, even if I'm struggling. 

In conclusion, if you feel like someone is negatively impacting you in some way, don't assume that it's out of malice.  Sometimes, people don't know how to show you how much they love you.

(For a reading of your own, check out Tyler's shop on Etsy at MysticAngelCards for an affordable, sensitive, and talented presence in your life.)

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